People in every culture celebrate their holidays. American people mostly commemorate something by their holidays. There are no federal (national) holidays in the USA. There are no such days when all employees in America get a day off at work and when all businesses stop. Each of 50 states has its own laws about the holidays. In practice, however, most states observe ten federal ("legal or public”) holidays, which are set by the Government:

New Year’s Day (January 1st)

Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January)

Washington’s Birthday (third Monday in February)

Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

Independence Day (July 4th)

Labor Day (first Monday in September)

Columbus Day (second Monday in October)

Veterans’ Day (November 11th)

Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)

Christmas Day (December 25th)

New Year’s Day is on January 1st, but Americans begin celebrating it on December 31st, on New Year’s Eve with masquerade balls or watching TV broadcast of Times Square in the heart of New York City. At midnight people hug and kiss and wish each other "Happy New Year!” On January 1st Americans visit their friends, relatives and neighbours to wish the best for the year ahead and have plenty to eat and drink.

Martin Luther King Day is observed on the third Monday of January. He was a minister who fought against discrimination and for equality of black people. On this day there are quiet memorial services and ceremonies in honour of Dr. King and his lifelong work for peace in the States.

Until 1971 Americans had two federal public honour days in February: the birthday of Abraham Lincoln on February 12th and the birthday of George Washington on February 22nd. Since 1971 there is one single federal public holiday, the Presidents’ Day, observed on the third Monday of February in honour of all past Presidents of the United States of America.

On February 14th there is St. Valentine’s Day. It is a traditional celebration of love and romance when people send cards, flowers, sweets and other gifts to their sweethearts and friends.

There is an Irish national holiday, celebrated in the U.S. called St. Patrick’s Day. The main activity on this day is simply wearing green clothes. Also Americans decorate everything with green shamrocks.

There is a nice holiday for mothers on the second Sunday in May called Mother’s Day. On this day American children of all ages do something special for their mothers to show their love.

Easter is a celebration of the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus. As well as in Russia, it is the day for religious services and family gatherings. Many Americans follow old traditions: colour hard-boiled eggs and give children baskets of candies.

Перевод некоторых слов:

to celebrate – отмечать, a holiday – праздник, to commemorate – запечатлевать, an employee – работник, a day off – выходной, to observe – соблюдать, New Year’s Day — Новый год (1 января), The Birthday of Martin Luther King — День рождения Мартина Лютера Кинга, St. Valentine’s Day — День св. Валентина (14 февраля), Presidents’ Day — День Президентов, St. Patrick’s Day — День св. Патрика (ирландский религиозный праздник), Easter — Пасха, resurrection of Jesus Christ — воскресение Иисуса Христа, Mother’s Day — День матери, Father’s Day — День отца, Independence Day — День Независимости (4 июля), Columbus Day — День Колумба (12 октября), Halloween — Хэллоуин (31 октября), Thanksgiving Day — День Благодарения, Christmas — Рождество (25 декабря), a masquerade ball – маскарадный балл, TV broadcast – телевизионная трансляция, Times Square – Таймс Сквер (площадь), to hug – обнимать , discrimination – дискриминация, equality – равенство, a memorial service – мемориальная служба, a sweetheart – возлюбленный, a shamrock – трилистник, hard-boiled eggs – яйца, вареные вкрутую, the Declaration of Independence – Декларация Независимости, a witch – ведьма, a ghost – приведение, a skeleton – скелет, a scary costume – пугающий костюм, Any costume will do. – Любой костюм подойдет., a feast – праздник, thanksgiving –благодарение,cranberry sauce – клюквенный соус, a pumpkin – тыква, a turkey – индюшка, spring break = March break – весенние каникулы, a week-long recess – амер. каникулы (школьные, университетские и т. п.) длиной в неделю, This time is notoriously known… – Это время хорошо известно…