This is my last year at school and my teachers say it's going to be a pretty stressful year and a lot depends on how well I do. I should make a decision what to do by the end of this year. There are many alternatives - either to continue my education at a high school or to go to a college, or probably start working. I think I would choose to go on with the education and would go to high school later on.
Pursuing the education and getting the degree is very important for my future career. I'm going to become a tourism manager. There are certain skills and qualifications that a tourism manager should develop. I should have good command of English, Russian, geography. I also have computer skills and should be good at modern computer programs like Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.
A tourism manager also has to get economic and psychological education as well. A good manager must be able to give tourists detailed options on where, when and how to spend their time and enjoy their vacation the most. A tourism manager also needs to have good skills at arranging transfers and travel plans for the tourists in their area of choice to visit or stay. A tourism manager needs to be good at creating activities that would ensure a fantastic experience and ever-lasting memories for any tourist visiting any particular area.
After leaving the school I'd like to go to one of the several tourism departments that have been established at our local … University.
A degree would give me more opportunities in finding a good and well-paid job.
These are only my plans for the future. I have to put a lot of efforts to perform well now. I have to keep up with the work load and not to put it off till late.
Перевод некоторых слов:
a pretty stressful year – достаточно тяжелый год, to depend – зависеть, a high school - средняя школа, to make a decision – принимать решение, an alternative – альтернатива, to pursue the education – заниматься образованием, to get the degree – получить ученую степень, my future career – моя будущая карьера, a tourism manager – менеджер по туризму, a skill – навык, qualification – квалификация, to develop – развивать, to have good command of – хорошо в чем-то разбираться, to be good at – хорошо с чем-то управляться, psychological education – психологическое образование, detailed options – подробные варианты, vacation – отпуск, to arrange transfers – организовывать перелеты, to ensure a fantastic experience – гарантировать фантастический опыт, ever-lasting memories – вечные воспоминания, a tourism department – отделение туризма, to establish – организовывать, устанавливать,well-paid job – хорошо оплачиваемая работа, an effort – усилие, to perform well – показывать хорошие результаты, to keep up with smth – терпеть что-либо, to put smth off – откладывать что-либо