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Accident at a zoo
This news is from a zoo in Chicago, a city in Illinois, USA. The life support system in one of its tanks malfunctioned. The tank was home to 54 stingrays.
The oxygen levels dropped. Animal care staff tried to repair the system and get the oxygen levels back to normal, but it was too late. All of the animals died.
It was not the first time animals died in a tank at this zoo. Sixteen stingrays died in 2008 when a tank's heating system malfunctioned.
Difficult words: tank (a big thing for water), malfunction (to not function well), staff (a group of people who work somewhere).
You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section.
Категория: Статьи | Добавил: nickon (17.07.2015)
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