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Согласование времён в косвенной речи
При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную у вас получится сложносочинённое предложение, где слова автора станут главной частью, а косвенная речь (преобразованная из прямой) — придаточной. Время в придаточном предложении зависит от времени в главном.

Если слова автора стоят в Present Indefinite, Present Perfect или Future Indefinite, то в косвенной речи время не меняется

She says (has said, will say), "This is not my business".
She says (has said, will say) this is not her business.

He says (has said, will say), "We shall come"
He says (has said, will say) they shall come.

Если слова автора стоят в Past Indefinite, Past Continuous или Past Perfect, то в косвенной речи время меняется в зависимости от того, какое время было в прямой.

Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous прямой речи заменяются соответственно на Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous косвенной:

He said, "I live here"
He said he lived there.

He was saying, "I'm living here"
He was saying he was living there.

He had said, "I have been living here for ages"
He had said that he had been living there for ages.

Past Indefinite и Past Continuous прямой речи заменяются соответственно на Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous косвенной:

We said, "We saw it".
We said we had seen it.

We said, "We were eating"
We said we had been eating.

Однако, если прямая речь стояла в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous, то косвенная речь может сохранить эти же времена, но только если указано время действия:

She said, "We moved here in 2000"
She said they moved there in 2000.

He said, "I was sleeping at midnight"
He said he was sleeping at midnight.

Future Indefinite, Future Continuous и Future Perfect прямой речи в косвенной речи заменяются на такие же формы Future-In-the-Past:

He said, "I will come"
He said he would come.

He said, "I will be watching birds"
He said he would be watching birds.

He said, "I will have finished this by noon"
He said he would have finished this by noon.

Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous прямой речи остаются такими же и в косвенной:

He said, "We had been there".
He said they had been there.

He said, "We had been living there for a while"
He said they had been living there for a while.
Категория: Статьи | Добавил: nickon (17.03.2014)
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